Register for the next EFDA Exam

Already have an account / retaking the exam? Sign in

Register an online account with CODT below so that you can schedule your EFDA examination, upload application documents, and pay the examination fee online as well as easily schedule a re-test examination later, if necessary. We will send you an account activation email after filling out the form below.

If you do not receive the activation email, please check promotion/spam/junk email folders before contacting us.

Sign up for CODT Account

Note: Please take care to make the correct selection below. If you are unsure about your graduate type category, please contact us for help.

Foreign Trained Note: Unlicensed dentists who have received their training outside of the United States must qualify as a professional within one of the above categories.

Note: Copy of current certification is required to register for exam.

By creating an account, you are certifying that all information provided is truthful and agreeing to our terms and privacy policy.